NEW FEATURE: Incorporate Your Club Colours


Friendly Manager has released a development that allows clubs to add their club colours to member profiles, registrations and the mailer.

We want help your members to ensure their time spent through all aspects of your club make them have the best experience possible!

To aid this we have included the ability for you as a club administrator to add your club colours to a number of areas within Friendly Manager.

The first areas is adding them to your registrations and your member profiles. This means that when your members login to their profiles the two main colours can be changed to those which your club want. These colours will also show during the registraiton process. To add this to your club, follow the steps below:

  1. Settings in top right side
  2. Click the 'Main Settings' tab
  3. Add your club's primary and secondary colours
  4. Press Save

jThe other area where you can add your club colours is to the Mailer. This will show when you send communications to your members through Friendly Manager. To add your club colours to your mailer, follow the steps below:

  1. Settings in top right side
  2. Click the 'Main Settings' tab
  3. Add your club's hex colour codes in the field named ' Mailer Colours'
  4. Press Save

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Friendly Manager is your all-in-one solution for seamless and efficient club management.