Frequently asked questions

Everything you need to know about Friendly Managers product and billing.
Is there a free trial available?
Yes, you can try us for free for 14 days. Our friendly team will work with you to get you up and running as soon as possible.
I have created a demo, now what?
Feel free to have a play with the software and email the dummy people, send them an invoice or an invite, put them into teams and have a look at their profiles to see their history.  You can also invite other admins in your club to join you in the demo account.  You have one month before the account will be inactivated.

Once you have had a chance to have a look around, one of our team members will be in touch to see how you went, answer any questions and offer you a chance to have a customised account visit with us to dig in and see the details of what Friendly Manager can do for your club.

If you want to reach out to us to ask questions or have a guided tour click here to make an appointment.
Are competition members counted as members
They are included as contacts, but they are not included in your Friendly Manager subscription. Your Friendly Manager subscription member count only needs to include members in non-competition groups eg. committee, supporters, coach development, representative teams, etc.
Are there costs in integrating with other apps
There are some external costs which you may need to consider:

Stripe payment gateway
: You will need your own Stripe account for credit and debit card payments. The fee of 2.9% +30c per transaction applies (check for your location if you are outside New Zealand).

Website domain hosting: This allows you to choose your custom website URL and costs approximately $35 per year. We can arrange this for you if you don’t already have a domain host.

Xero account: See special club Xero pricing - make sure you look at the Xero nonprofits info if you are a charity. Spoiler alert: They offer a 25% discount.

Bracken: Due to the individual nature of each club's integration to the Bracken online learning platform, we will quote you for the set up of this customised integration.  

We only charge for the time that it takes for our team to connect you.  This is charged out at $120 + GST per hour.
How do I know it is right for us?
Without a doubt,  it's by talking to us and seeing the software in action. Our team is awesome at listening to your needs and challenges and showing you how these could be solved using Friendly Manager. We find having a look at a customised demo set up for your needs is by far the quickest way to get a good handle on what Friendly Manager offers. The average demo takes 30-60 minutes depending on how in-depth you want to go and the complexity of your organisation.

Alternatively you can create a demo account to have a look at in your own time. This account is set up with dummy data so you can have a play.
Who is considered member?
The way Friendly Manager defines a member as someone who is in a group/class for the current term/season.

For example if you had 50 people enrolled in your in the summer term, and 30 of those registered again for the Winter term, as well as 30 new people, you would have 60 members and 20 contacts.

Friendly Manager does not charge for contacts, only for active members. You still have full access to all your contacts via your emailer, but you can’t invoice them or group them unless they are put into member groups again.

In case you were wondering, a member in multiple groups at one time is only considered to be one member.
What happens if we go oher the club limit
Of course great clubs run the risk of more people wanting to join! If your membership levels show to be over the number that you have subscribed for, we will contact you to advise you about moving up to the next subscription level.
How many administrators can we have?
We let you decide. With your Friendly Manger subscription, you can choose how many people in your club have full admin rights, or one of the other user levels of security. This ensures everyone has the appropriate access to do what they need, but nothing more!
Which countries are supported?
We have plans to take over the world, but we are not quite there yet. Friendly Manager currently supports clubs in New Zealand, Australia, and the United Kingdom, with more countries coming soon.
Can I turn off my account in the off season?
Friendly Manager is designed to be available year round to maintain history and continuity. If you cancel your subscription, your account is deleted and the value of the product is lost. Having the history of member groups means you can easily communicate with segments of your community encouraging them to engage with your club in ways you may not have previously considered in the off season eg. early registrations, fundraisers, off-season training, working bees, community events, sponsorship.
What Product Support can we expect?
Included in your subscription is a customised onboarding session with our customer success team, as well as ongoing phone, video and email support. We make sure that your Friendly Manager account is customised for your club right from the start.A free phone line for questions is available from 8am-5pm weekdays and we have an email ticket system with a usual turnaround of 24 hours.  Our support team are all club administrators and love helping you get the most out of Friendly Manager.
What Product Support can we expect?
Included in your subscription is a customised onboarding session with our customer success team, as well as ongoing phone, video and email support. We make sure that your Friendly Manager account is customised for your club right from the start.A free phone line for questions is available from 8am-5pm weekdays and we have an email ticket system with a usual turnaround of 24 hours.  Our support team are all club administrators and love helping you get the most out of Friendly Manager.
See how Friendly Manager Can help you!

Ready to take your sports club to the next level? Look no further!
Friendly Manager is your all-in-one solution for seamless and efficient club management.