Group Management

Group your club members and staff, so you and your coaches can communicate effectively and access team specific information easily.

Group members

Club members, players, coaches, managers and other key personnel can all be organised into teams and groups, so that everyone involved can clearly see where people fit in.

Nested groups

Friendly Manager supports multiple levels of codes, groups or teams with different terms or season dates. For example, your seniors might have multiple teams playing for a different term length than your juniors.

Group Allocator

Easily drag and drop your players into their playing teams after completing a trial no more need for spreadsheets - see in real-time your numbers for the season for each team.

Manager Dashboard

Delegate authority to coaches and managers to organise their players, members, uniforms, equipment, subscription payments, attendance, team communication and so much more, with their own dashboard – everything in one place, any time, anywhere on any device.

See how Friendly Manager Can help you!

Ready to take your sports club to the next level? Look no further!
Friendly Manager is your all-in-one solution for seamless and efficient club management.