
Manage your people easily - let Friendly Manager take the hassle away from you and your team.

Member Profiles

Club members get their own Friendly Manager login and then have all the information they need about your organisation at their fingertips - dates, times and locations for fixtures, events, transportation, uniforms, equipment – all there, anytime, anywhere, on any device.

Member Management

Managing all your people - club members, players, parents and coaches - can be hard work. Friendly Manager makes it easier by letting you track all your contacts and member information in one central place.

Linked members

Friendly Manager makes it easy to link members or contacts. Contacts can login, manage and receive communication on behalf of another member, as a parent would be for a child participant.

Delegation to managers

Delegate authority to your coaches or managers so they can look after team communications, themselves. They can create email groups, share files and videos, for efficient communication with members and parents.

See how Friendly Manager Can help you!

Ready to take your sports club to the next level? Look no further!
Friendly Manager is your all-in-one solution for seamless and efficient club management.