
  1. Access Help Documentation:
    • Utilize the help docs available within the blue control bar to access detailed information about setting up your website. You can find step-by-step instructions and reference materials here.
  2. Prepare Content in Advance:
    • Before you start building your website, ensure that all written content, including page descriptions and information, is ready. This helps you understand the structure of your website and streamlines the process.
  3. Organize Images and Media:
    • Create a folder for your website and gather all images, PDFs, and videos that you plan to use. If you're migrating from an old website, download relevant images and store them in this folder for easy access.
  4. Resize Images Appropriately:
    • Before uploading images, ensure they are sized according to the specifications provided. This ensures a uniform and visually appealing layout across your website.
  5. Adhere to Brand Guidelines:
    • Familiarize yourself with your club's brand guidelines, including colors, logos, and fonts. Customize your website accordingly by selecting appropriate fonts and maintaining brand consistency.
  6. Understand Menu Structure:
    • Pay attention to the menu structure of your website. You can customize the menu items by dragging and dropping them or adjusting settings in the "Manage Sites" section.
  7. Maintain Consistency with Section Icons:
    • If you use section icons on your homepage, ensure they are all the same size for a clean and cohesive look. Consistency in design enhances the overall visual appeal of your website.
  8. Plan Group Structures:
    • Decide in advance how you want to structure your groups using FM pages or custom page setups. Refer to module two for guidance on menu structure and organization.
  9. Seek Feedback:
    • Before launching your website, have someone else review it for spelling errors, image placements, and overall coherence. Fresh eyes can catch mistakes that you might overlook.

If you encounter any issues or need further assistance with event management in Friendly Manager, reach out to the support team at for prompt assistance.

See how Friendly Manager Can help you!

Ready to take your sports club to the next level? Look no further!
Friendly Manager is your all-in-one solution for seamless and efficient club management.